
Greener Life Club Application / Questionnaire
Biography area / company details / products / contact details
Physical address linked to google maps for people to see where it is
Have categories for businesses etc. Searchable
Each of the 4 quadrants with supporting documents
Feedback section from GLC – status
Moderated public feedback section

Carbon Footprint
1. Explain how [you or your company] strive to lower your carbon footprint. Separate the examples and provide supporting documents, files, pictures, videos, etc. (100 words)

Animal Friendly
2. Explain [you or your companys’] commitment to minimizing animal cruelty, promote animal habitats, and promote biodiversity. Separate the examples and provide supporting documents, files, pictures, videos, etc. (100 words)

3. Explain how [you or your company] comply with the biofriendly quadrant. Separate the examples and provide supporting documents, files, pictures, videos, etc. (100 words)
4. If you make products, please describe your manufacturing process (e.g. batch control procedures).

Fair Trade
5. Explain how [you or your company] comply with the fair trade quadrant. Separate the examples and provide supporting documents, files, pictures, videos, etc. (100 words)

6. Please provide any additional information you think is relevant to GL certification. (500 words)

Update yearly in March (2 April deadline). Must demonstrate something from at least one quadrant each year to meet the requirement for ‘striving’ to meet these goals.
Worries about lapsing GL certification. Removing brand etc. No cert on their products, only on the websites etc.